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- Name Author Copyright
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------
- 180 David Whittaker 1986 Mad
- 1942 Mark Cooksey 1986 Elite
- 1943 Mark Tait 1987 American Action
- 2400 AD Maniacs of Noise ???
- 720 Degrees Ben Daglish 1987 US Gold
- ACE II Rob Hubbard 1987 Cascade Games
- After the War Maniacs of Noise 1990 Dynamic
- Afterburner Maniacs of Noise 1988 Activision
- Airwolf Neil A. Bate 1985 Elite
- Ala Neil Baldwin 1988 Reptilia
- Alien Paul Clansey 1984 Argus Press
- Alloy Run Maniacs of Noise 1988 Starlight
- Altered Beast Martin Walker 1989 Activision
- Amaurote David Whittaker 1987 Mastertronic
- Amyloid Maniacs of Noise 1988 ???
- Archon Anne Westfall & Paul Freeman 1984 Electronic Arts
- Arkanoid Martin Galway 1987 Ocean
- Ark Pandora Ben Daglish 1986 Rino
- Armageddon Man David Whittaker 1987 Martech
- Armalyte Martin Walker 1988 Thalamus
- Army Moves Fred Gray 1987 Imagine
- Aspar Grand Prix Maniacs of Noise 1988 Dinamic
- Athena Martin Galway 1987 Imagine
- Auf Wiedersehen Monthy Rob Hubbard and Ben Daglish 1987 Gremlin Graphics
- Avenger Ben Daglish 1987 Gremlin Graphics
- Aztec Challenge Paul Norman 1984 Cosmi
- Babygang Martin Galway 1988 ???
- Ball Crazy David Whittaker ??? Mastertronic
- Ballfever Vibrants 1991 ???
- Ballmania Vibrants 1991 ???
- Bankok Knights Rob Hubbard and Matt Gray 1987 System 3
- Basketmaster Jonathan Dunn 1987 Ocean
- B.A.T. Maniacs of Noise 1991 Ubi-Soft
- Batman Fred Gray 1989 Ocean
- Battle of Britain Rob Hubbard 1985 PSS
- Battle Valley Maniacs of Noise 1988 Rack-It
- Beyond Forbidden Forest Paul Norman 198? Cosmi
- Beyond the Ice Palace David Whittaker 1988 Elite
- Better Dead than Alien Mark Tait 1989 Electra
- Beverly Hills Cop David Whittaker 1990 Tynesoft
- Big Deal Jeroen Kimmel 1987 Ariolasoft
- Biggles Ben Daglish 1986 Mirrorsoft
- Bionic Commando Tim Follin 1988 Capcom
- Black Lamp Tim Follin 1988 Firebird
- Black Tiger Mark Tait 1990 US Gold
- Blackwyche ??? 1985 Ultimate
- Blood Money Sonic Grafitti 1990 Psygnosis
- Blue Angel Thomas Detert 1990 Gremlin Graphics
- Blue Max Stephen C. Biggs 1983 Synapse
- Bmx Simulator David Whittaker 1986 Code Masters
- Bobby Bearing Ben Daglish 1986 The Edge
- Bodyslam Tim Follin 1988 Firebird
- Bomb Jack Mark Cooksey 1986 Elite
- Bomb Jack II Mark Cooksey 1986 Elite
- Bombo Ben Daglish 1986 Rino
- Bounces Fred Gray 1986 Beyond
- BraveStarr David Whittaker 1988 Go!
- Break Thru ??? 1987 US Gold
- Bubble Bobble Peter Clarke 1987 Firebird
- Bulldog Ben Daglish 1987 Gremlin Graphics
- Bump Set Spike Rob Hubbard 1986 Mastertronic
- Cachapaya Ben Daglish ???
- Castle of Terror Greg Holland 1985 Melbourne House
- Cauldron II Richard Joseph 1986 Palace
- CataBall Mark Cooksey 1988 Elite
- Chimera Rob Hubbard 1986 Firebird
- Clystron Thomas Detert ??? Double Density
- Cobra Ben Daglish 1986 Ocean
- Combat School Martin Galway 1988 Ocean
- Comic Bakery Martin Galway 1986 Imagine
- Commando Rob Hubbard 1985 Elite
- Confuzion Rob Hubbard 1985 Incentive
- Congo Bongo ??? 1984 ???
- Cosmonaut David Whittaker 1987 Code Masters
- Crazy Comets Rob Hubbard 1985 Martech
- Cybernoid Maniacs of Noise 1988 Hewson
- Cybernoid II Maniacs of Noise 1988 Hewson
- Cyclons ??? 1984 Rabbit Software
- Daley T. Decathlon Martin Galway 1984 Ocean
- Dan Dare III Maniacs of Noise 1990 Virgin
- Darkman Jonathan Dunn 1991 Ocean
- DeathScape Ben Daglish 1987 Starlight
- Defcom David Whittaker 1987 Quicksilva
- Deflektor Ben Daglish 1988 Gremlin Graphics
- Deliverance Matt Gray 1990 System 3
- Delta Rob Hubbard 1987 Thalamus
- DNA Warrior T.E. Petersen 1989 Artonics
- Dogfight 2187 Ben Daglish 1987 Starlight
- Dominator Matt Gray 1989 System 3
- Donkey Kong Martin Galway 1986 Imagine
- Double Dragon Maniacs of Noise 1989 Melbourne House
- Draconus Adam Gilmore 1988 Zepplin Games
- Dragon Ninja Jonathan Dunn 1989 Imagine
- Dragon Skulle ??? 1985 Ultimate
- Dragon's Lair II Rob Hubbard 1987 Software Projects
- Driller Matt Gray 1988 Incentive
- Driller II Wally Beben 1988 Dreamscape
- D.T. Olympic Challenge Jonathan Dunn 1988 Ocean
- Dulcedo Chris Hülsbeck ???
- Dynasty Wars Mark Tait 1990 US Gold
- E-Motion Mark Tait 1990 US Gold
- Eagles Johannes Bjerregaard 1987 Hewson
- Electra Glide David Whittaker 1986 English Software
- Elevator Action David Whittaker 1987 Quicksilva
- Eliminator Maniacs of Noise 1988 Hewson
- Enduro Racer David Whittaker 1987 Activision
- Enigma Force Fred Gray 1986 Beyond
- Entombed ??? 1985 Ultimate
- Exploding Fist Greg Holland 1985 Melbourne House
- Exploding Fist II Greg Holland 1986 Melbourne House
- F1 Simulator Maniacs of Noise ???
- F-14 Tomcat Maniacs of Noise 1989 Activision
- Fairlight Mike Alsop 1986 The Edge
- Fifth Axis Gilles Soulet 1986 Activision
- Firefly Fred Gray 1988 Special FX / Ocean
- Firelord Ben Daglish 1986 Hewson
- Flash Gordon Rob Hubbard 1986 Mastertronic
- Flimbo's Quest Maniacs of Noise 1991 System 3
- Forbidden Forest Paul Norman 1983 Cosmi
- Formula One Rob Hubbard 1985 Mastertronic
- Foxx Fights Back Fred Gray 1988 Imageworks
- Frankie Goes to Hollywood Martin Galway 1985 Ocean
- Fighting Warrior Adrian Pertout 1985 Beam Software
- Frightmare Jeroen Kimmel 1988 Cascade
- Frogger ??? 1982 Sega
- Future Knight Ben Daglish 1987 Gremlin Graphics
- Galaxia 7 Mark Tait ???
- Game Over Martin Galway 1987 Imagine
- Gaplus Maniacs of Noise 1989 Mastertronics
- Garfield Neil Baldwin 1988 The Edge
- Gauntlet Ben Daglish 1987 US Gold
- Ghostbusters II Davis Whittaker 1989 Activision
- Ghosts'n Goblins Mark Cooksey 1986 Elite
- G.I. Hero Maniacs of Noise ???
- G.I. Joe ??? ???
- Giana Sisters Chris Hülsbeck 1987 Rainbow Arts
- Glider Rider David Whittaker 1986 Quicksilva
- Grand Slam Baseball ??? 1987 Cosmi
- Green Beret Martin Galway 1986 Imagine
- Guerilla War Jonathan Dunn 1990 Imagine
- Gutz Fred Gray 1988 Ocean
- Gyroscope Mike Alsop ??? Melbourne House
- Gyruss ??? 1984 Parker Bros
- Hades Nebula Ben Daglish 1987 Nexus
- Harvey Headbanger Ben Daglish 1987 Firebird
- Harvey Smith Showjumping Rob Hubbard 1985 Software Projects
- Hawkeye Jeroen Tel 1988 Thalamus
- Helicopter Jagd Martin Galway 1986 Ocean
- Highlander Martin Galway 1986 Ocean
- Highway Encounter Fred Gray 1986 Gremlin Graphics
- Hobbit, The Greg Holland 1985 Melbourne House
- Hollywood or Bust Rob Hubbard 1986 Mastertronic
- Hotrod Maniacs of Noise ???
- Hover Bover Jeff Minter 1984 Llamasoft
- Hugo Vibrants 1991 ???
- Human Killing Machine Mark Tait 1989 US Gold
- Human Race, The Rob Hubbard 1986 Mastertronic
- Hunchback Adventure Fred Gray 1986 Ocean
- Hunchback II Martin Galway 1986 Ocean
- Hunters Moon Martin Walker 1988 Thalamus
- Hypaball ??? 1987 Odin
- Hyper Sports Martin Galway 1985 Imagine
- Hysteria Fred Gray 1987 Software Projects
- I Ball Rob Hubbard 1987 Firebird
- Ice Age Maniacs of Noise 1988 Firebird
- IK+ Rob Hubbard 1987 System 3
- Implosion Fred Gray 1987 Cascade
- Infodroid Fred Gray 1987 Beyond
- Insects in Space Martin Galway 1989 Hewson
- Inspector Gadget Jason Brooke 1988 Melbourne House
- International Karate Rob Hubbard 1986 System 3
- IO David Whittaker 1988 Firebird
- Iron Lord Maniacs of Noise 1990 Ubi-Soft
- Island of Dr. Destructo David Whittaker 1987 Mastertronic
- Jack the Nipper Ben Daglish 1986 Gremlin Graphics
- Jack the Nipper II Ben Daglish 1987 Gremlin Graphics
- Jail Break David Whittaker 1987 Konami
- Jerry the Germ Rob Hubbard 1986 Firebird
- Judge Dredd Greg Holland 1987 Melbourne House
- Kentilla Rob Hubbard 1986 Mastertronic
- Kettle Ben Daglish 1987 Alligata
- Killer Watt Anthony Crowther 1983 Alligata
- KillerRings Ben Daglish 1987 The Byte Engineers
- Knight Games Ben Daglish 1986 English Software
- Knight Games II Wally Beben 1987 English Software
- Knockout Fred Gray 1985 Alligata
- Knuckle Buster Rob Hubbard 1986 Melbourne House
- Kong Strikes Back Martin Galway 1985 Ocean
- Krakout Ben Daglish 1987 Gremlin Graphics
- Labyrint Vibrants 1991 ???
- Labyrinth ??? ???
- Las Vegas Casino Adam Gilmore 1989 Zepplin Games
- Last Crusade, The Mark Tait ???
- Last Ninja Ben Daglish 1987 System 3
- Last Ninja II Matt Gray 1988 System 3
- Last Ninja III Reyn Ouwehand 1991 System 3
- Last Ninja Remix Reyn Ouwehand 1990 System 3
- Last V8, The Rob Hubbard 1985 Mastertronic
- Led Storm Tim Follin 1989 Capcom
- Legend of Kage Fred Gray 1987 Imagine
- Leviathan David Whittaker 1987 English Software
- Licence to Kill David Whittaker 1989 Domark
- Lightforce Rob Hubbard 1986 FTL
- Living Daylights David Whittaker 1987 Domark
- Loco Ben Daglish 1984 Alligata
- Lord of the Rings Maniacs of Noise 1986 Melbourne House
- Madballs Fred Gray 1988 Ocean
- Magic Johnson's Basketball Tim Follin 1990 ???
- Mag Max Fred Gray 1987 Imagine
- Manic Miner ??? 1982 Alligata
- Mario Bros Fred Gray 1987 Ocean
- Mask Ben Daglish 1986 Gremlin Graphics
- Master of Magic Rob Hubbard 1985 Mastertronic
- Master of the Lamps Russel Lieblich 1985 Activision
- Masters of the Universe Ben Daglish 1987 Gremlin Graphics
- Matchday Martin Galway 1986 Ocean
- Max Headroom David Whittaker 1986 Quicksilva
- Mega Apocalypse Rob Hubbard 1987 Martech
- Menace David Whittaker 1989 Psyclapse
- Mermaid Madness Fred Gray ??? Activision
- Miami Vice Martin Galway 1986 Ocean
- Mickey Mouse Ben Daglish 1988 Gremlin Graphics
- Mikie Martin Galway 1987 Imagine
- Milkrace David Whittaker 1987 Mastertronic
- Mission AD Fred Gray 1986 Odin
- Mr Heli Maniacs of Noise 1989 Firebird
- Monty on the Run Rob Hubbard 1985 Gremlin Graphics
- M.U.L.E. Roy Glover 1983 Electronic Arts
- Mutants Martin Galway 1987 Ocean
- Mystery Rob Hubbard 1984 ???
- Myth Maniacs of Noise 1989 System 3
- Nemesis the Warlock Rob Hubbard 1987 Martech
- Never Ending Story Martin Galway 1985 Ocean
- New Zealand Story Jonathan Dunn 1989 Ocean
- Nighthunter Maniacs of Noise ???
- Nineteen Rob Hubbard 1988 Cascade Games
- No Mercy Markus Schneider 1989 ???
- Nomad Fred Gray 1986 Ocean
- Nonterraqueous ??? 1985 Mastertronic
- North and South Maniacs of Noise 1989 Infogrames
- Ocean Loader Martin Galway 1985 Ocean
- Octapolis Wally Beben 1987 English Software
- Oh No! Martin Galway 1988 Firebird
- Omega Force Johannes Bjerregaard ???
- One Man and his Droid Rob Hubbard 1985 Mastertronic
- Operation Hongkong Holger Gehrmann 1986 Golden Games
- Operation Thunderbolt Jonathan Dunn 1990 Ocean
- Operation Wolf Jonathan Dunn 1989 Ocean
- Oswald Vibrants 1991 ???
- Outrun Jason Brooke 1988 US Gold
- Outrun Europe Maniacs of Noise ???
- Painterboy T. Pellinen 1989 Tikkurila
- Pandora Rob Hubbard ???
- Panther David Whittaker 1986 Mastertronic
- Paperboy Mark Cooksey 1986 Elite
- Parallax Martin Galway 1986 Ocean
- Phantoms of the Asteroid Rob Hubbard 1986 Mastertronic
- Ping Pong Martin Galway 1986 Imagine
- Platoon Jonathan Dunn 1988 Ocean
- Pooyan ??? 1983 Datasoft
- Powerdrift David Whittaker 1989 Activision
- Prince of Darkness Vibrants 1991 ???
- Protector Mark Tait ???
- Pseidon Maniacs of Noise ???
- Psycho Mark Tait ???
- Psycho Pigs UXB Tim Follin 1988 US Gold
- Push It Vibrants 1991 ???
- Quartet David Whittaker 1987 Activision
- Quedex Matt Gray 1987 Thalamus
- Rainbow Dragon Ben Daglish 1988 Firebird
- Rambo Martin Galway 1986 Ocean
- Rambo III Jonathan Dunn 1989 Ocean
- Ramparts Mark Cooksey 1987 Go!
- Rasputin Rob Hubbard 1985 Firebird
- Rastan Saga Martin Galway 1988 Imagine
- Red Heat Jonatahan Dunn 1989 Ocean
- Red Max David Whittaker 1987 Code Masters
- Renegade III Jonathan Dunn 1989 Ocean
- Revenge of Doh Jonatahn Dunn 1988 Imagine
- Revenge of the Mutant Camels Jeff Minter 1984 Llamasoft
- Rimrunner Richard Joseph 1988 Palace
- R.I.S.K. Wally Beben 1988 The Edge
- Roadrunner Fred Gray 1987 US Gold
- Robin of the Wood David Whittaker 1986 Odin
- Robocop Jonathan Dunn 1989 Ocean
- Robocop II Jonathan Dunn 1991 Ocean
- Roland's Rat Race Martin Galway 1985 Ocean
- Rollin Micke Nordström 1984 Scandsoft
- Rubicon Maniacs of Noise ???
- Run the Gauntlet Jonathan Dunn 1989 Ocean
- Saboteur II Rob Hubbard 1989 Encore
- Sacred Armour of Antriad Richard Joseph 1986 Palace
- Samantha Fox Strip Poker John York 1986 Martech
- Sanxion Rob Hubbard 1986 Thalamus
- Savage Maniacs of Noise 1988 Firebird
- Scorpion Maniacs of Noise 1988 Rack-it
- Scout Maniacs of Noise 1988 Mastertronic
- Scuba Kidz Wally Beben 1988 Silverbird
- Scumball Tim Follin 1988 Bulldog
- Shades Chris Hülsbeck 1988 Markt & Technik
- Shadowfire Fred Gray ??? Beyond
- Shadow Skimmer Neil Baldwin 1987 The Edge
- Shockway Rider Rob Hubbard 1987 FTL
- Short Circuit Martin Galway 1986 Ocean
- Sigma Seven Rob Hubbard 1987 Durell
- Skate or Die Rob Hubbard 1988 Electronic Arts
- SkateRock Ben Daglish 1987 Bubble Bus
- Sky Pilot Maniacs of Noise ???
- Slaine David Whittaker 1988 Martech
- Slapfight Martin Galway 1987 Imagine
- Solomon's Key David Whittaker 1987 US Gold
- Son of Blagger Anthony Crowther 1983 Alligata
- Space Biker Mark Tait ???
- Space Harrier Mark Cooksey 1987 Elite
- Special Agent Johannes Bjerregaard 1987 Firebird
- Speedball David Whittaker 1989 Imageworks
- Spellbound Rob Hubbard 1986 Mastertronic
- Split Personalities David Whittaker 1986 Domark
- Splitting Image David Whittaker 1989 Domark
- Square Out Vibrants 1991 ???
- Staff of Karnath ??? 1985 Ultimate
- Starball Manicas of Noise 1988 Softek
- Starlight Express Maniacs of Noise ???
- Star Force Nova Thomas Detert 1987 Mastertronic
- Star Paws Rob Hubbard 1987 Software Projects
- Star Trader ??? ???
- Star Wars David Whittaker 1988 Domark
- StarGlider ??? 1986 Rainbird
- Starion Greg Holland 1987 Melbourne House
- Stock Car Racer Maniacs of Noise 1988 Mastertronic
- Storm David Whittaker 1986 Mastertronic
- Stormlord Maniacs of Noise 1989 Hewson
- Stormlord II Matt Gray 1990 Hewson
- Street Sports Soccer Fred Gray 1988 Epyx
- Street Surfer David Whittaker 1986 Entertainment USA
- Strider Mark Tait 1990 US Gold
- Strong Man Rob Hubbard 1986 Martech
- Subterranea Jonathan Dunn 1988 Rack-It
- Suicide Express Anthony Crowther 1983 Alligata
- Super Hang-On Steve Barret 1986 Sega
- Super Huey Paul Norman 1985 US Gold
- Supremacy Maniacs of Noise 1990 Mastertronic
- Taipan Martin Galway 1987 Ocean
- Tales of Arabian Night Chris Cox ??? Interceptor
- Tangent Neil Baldwin 1988 Micro Selection
- Target Renegade Gary Biasillo 1988 Imagine
- Tarzan Rob Hubbard ???
- Terminator II Jonathan Dunn 1991 Ocean
- Terra Cognita David Whittaker 1987 Code Masters
- Terra Cresta Martin Galway 1986 Imagine
- Tetris Wally Beben 1988 Mirrorsoft
- Thanatos Rob Hubbard 1986 Durell
- Thing Bounces Back Ben Daglish 1987 Gremlin Graphics
- Thing on a Spring Rob Hubbard 1985 Gremlin Graphics
- Thrust Rob Hubbard 1986 Firebird
- Thunder Blade Mark Tait 1989 US Gold
- Thunder Cats Rob Hubbard 1987 Elite
- ThunderForce Johannes Bjerregaard 1987 Peer Soft
- Tiger Mission Johannes Bjerregaard 1987 Kele Line
- Tintin on the Moon Maniacs of Noise 1990 Infogrames
- Top Trucker Maniacs of Noise 1988 ???
- Total Eclipse Wally Beben 1989 Incentive
- Total Recall Jonathan Dunn 1991 Ocean
- Transformers Fred Gray 1987 Activision
- Trantor David Whittaker 1988 Go!
- Trap Ben Daglish 1986 Alligata
- Trapdoor ??? 1986 Piranha
- Traz The Dudges 1987 Cascades Games
- Trivia Maniacs of Noise ???
- Troll Fred Gray 1988 Outlaw
- Trollie Wallie Graham Hansford 1984 Interceptor
- Turbo Outrun Maniacs of Noise 1990 Kixx
- Tusker Matt Gray 1989 System 3
- Typhoon Jonathan Dunn 1988 Ocean
- Uridium Steve Turner 1985 Hewson
- Vikings, The Ben Daglish and J. Bjerregaard 1987 Kele Line
- Untouchables, The Jonathan Dunn & Matthew Cann 1990 Ocean
- Vendetta Matt Gray 1990 System 3
- Videopoker Rob Hubbard 1986 Mastertronic
- Vindicator Jonthan Dunn 1988 Ocean
- W.A.R. Rob Hubbard 1986 Martech
- WarHawk Rob Hubbard 1986 Firebird
- Way of the Tiger Ben Daglish 1986 Gremlin Graphics
- West Bank Fred Gray 1987 Gremlin Graphics
- William Wobbler Ben Daglish 1985 Wizard Developments
- Wiz Rob Hubbard ???
- Wizard Wars Rob Hubbard ???
- Wizardry Mike Alsop 1985 The Edge
- Wizball Martin Galway 1987 Ocean
- Wonderboy ??? 1987 Activision
- Yie Ar Kung Fu Martin Galway 1985 Imagine
- Yie Ar Kung Fu II Martin Galway 1987 Imagine
- Zamzara Maniacs of Noise 1989 Rack-It
- Zarjaz Ben Daglish 1986 Durell
- Zoids Rob Hubbard 1986 Martech
- Zoolook Rob Hubbard ???
- Zoom Johannes Bjerregaard ???
- Zybex Adam Gilmore 1988 Zepplin Games
- Unknown Name Author Copyright
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------
- B-Bobs ??? Thomas Detert ???
- SC Football ??? Maniacs of Noise ???
- SP Nudge ??? Maniacs of Noise ???
- Su Sweet ??? Vibrants 1991 ???